Outside the Frame
Without images of African Americans, depictions of important military moments are incomplete.
Robert J. Kodosky, Ph.D. (Temple University) teaches military and diplomatic history at West Chester University, Pennsylvania. He is the author of The Nile Swim Club of Yeadon: A History (The History Press, 2024); Tuskegee in Philadelphia: Rising to the Challenge (The History Press, 2020), Psychological Operations American Style: The Joint United States Public Affairs Office, Vietnam and Beyond (Lexington Books, 2007). He is the co-author with Brent J. Ruswick, Ph.D., of Construction Ahead: Making American History Since 1865 (Great River Learning, 2024). Other contributions include essays in The Encyclopedia of Military Science, Kurt Piehler, Ph.D., ed., (Sage, 2013); The Routledge History of Social Protest Music, Jonathan C. Friedman, Ph.D., ed. (Routledge, 2013). His writing about about recent American history appears in a variety of other publications including the Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia.
Without images of African Americans, depictions of important military moments are incomplete.
With integration a legal right, swimming pools became a new battleground in the segregation fight.
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