Paul McAllister

Paul McAllister is a History Ph.D. student at The Ohio State University. His research interests include Military History, African American History, and Modern U.S. History. His research looks at the impact of African American veterans on public health in the United States during the 20th century. He is a former managing editor of Picturing Black History.



Listen to Paul discuss Black history and his essay.

Content by Paul McAllister

Leaning on a porch rail, waiting for their turn at morning exercises are (l-r): 2nd Lts. Joan L. Hamilton, Marjorie S. Mayers, Prudence L. Burnes, and Inez E. Holmes. All are military nurses training to be sent to advanced posts on the Southwest Pacific.

The Integration of the American Military

Hoping to court Black voters in the 1948 Presidential election, President Harry Truman issued Executive Order 9981, an act that significantly changed the armed forces and the Black experience in America.