Twenty-Two Divided by Seven, at the Tuskegee Institute
A 1906 photograph of a mathematics classroom illustrates how the Tuskegee Institute used “correlation” theory and the Sloyd system to teach applied mathematics.
A 1906 photograph of a mathematics classroom illustrates how the Tuskegee Institute used “correlation” theory and the Sloyd system to teach applied mathematics.
Charlotte Hawkins Brown and Alice Freeman Palmer: A Portrait of Two American Women Educators
Celebrating the Silver Jubilee of the Tuskegee Institute in Four Photographs
The keynote address Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave at Fisk University in 1964 drew crowds from all over the city, including some of the great Civil Rights icons in American history
Susie Baker and the drive for education equality before Brown v. Board of Education
White people raged against school busing in Louisville, KY (September 1975)
Known as “The Father of Black History,” Carter Godwin Woodson (1875-1950) co-founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASALH) in 1915
How Autherine Lucy, Charlayne Hunter, and Vivian Malone Desegregated Higher Education in the American South
Neither wind nor rain could stop a band of Ohio mothers from securing the education their children deserved.
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