A Voice Without Borders
How Paul Robeson sang to 35,000 Canadians without crossing the border
How Paul Robeson sang to 35,000 Canadians without crossing the border
CORE’s Freedom Rides solidified its centrality to desegregation efforts during the Civil Rights Movement
Portraits of Frederick Douglass, the most photographed American of the nineteenth century, illuminate his life and career as an abolitionist.
Initially written off as “crazy,” the New Orleans Sniper’s ideas reflected a more widely held sentiment of rage among Black youth.
The Civil Rights Movement owes much to the students who boldly sat down at segregated lunch counters
Black children played a central role in the Civil Rights Movement
Much of what is widely embraced about the famous activist and orator is mythology, while the truth lives in the shadows.
Galvanized by new electoral laws after the Civil War, thousands of Black men ran for public office both locally and nationally.
Josiah T. Walls was one of them.
The tumultuous days of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
The struggle of university students to build Black Studies on campus, in their communities, and throughout the nation.
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